The Blount Unit is the primary site of the Center’s registered Angus cattle herd and serves as the Center’s main hub of activity for livestock research, teaching, and educational outreach, which supports one of the largest Agricultural Sectors in Tennessee.
The unit is utilized to provide land, equipment, cattle, and support for faculty and graduate students to conduct agriculture-related research and education, with a primary emphasis on beef cattle and forage production. Several UT classes hold hands-on lab sessions at this Unit.
The Blount Unit also is used for different programs and studies in reproductive physiology, endocrinology, embryo transfer, estrus synchronization, beef cattle genetics, and beef nutrition (including study of the rumen microbiome), as well as renewable biofuels research. Examples of various other research projects include the study of fast-growing hybrid poplar trees for biofuels and the study of soil microbial populations (the latter in collaboration with ORNL scientists).
The Blount Unit is the primary site for experiential learning utilized/implemented in the Center’s Live and Learn Internship Program for undergraduate students majoring in agriculture. Plus, many 4-H youth development events (such as livestock judging and land judging contests) are held/hosted at this location. The Blount Unit will also serve as a key site for the upcoming Southeastern Collegiate Soils Judging Contest, to be hosted by UT.
Field trails with hybrid poplar trees. These fast-growing trees are being developed as a feedstock for alternative fuels and chemicals.
Contact the Blount Unit:
East Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center–Blount Unit
4341 UT Farm Road
Louisville, TN 37777
Brandon Beavers
Phone: 865-387-5149